Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day Wind aka SSDD

Mythology is a METHOD to understand  identify  traits within the human psyche 
and use these archetypes to translate human experience.

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head,

Man is not made for too many choices apparently, according to marketing, capitalism and a few more economics laws and that straight from the beginning. 

Put one bloody wrong tree in the middle of the garden and to hell in a basket we go plus we are cursed with work and more lies that we can handle just for swallowing that first one.

One thing with the internet though is that it has turned the winds of doctrine into a Category 13 Hurricane on the Beaufort Scale and poor Don Quixote doesn't know anymore where to give head since all the windmills are now armless.


So where does one go for truth sapience and knowledge in this century?  Since any great invention apparently has a great tendency to turn ASAP into the most evil use of it that mankind can make. (Atomic Energy anyone?)  An awful lot of science and research money is spent in the so-called Ministry of "Defence". 




Why bother calling it Defence is beyond me.


It sure seems that the best defence is offense is a constant motto for filthy rich arm makers.

Lockheed Martin - We never forget who we're working for, or 

Dow Chemicals or Kalashnikovs & Cie and  thousands more

who don't really care about your votes since they own all of your choices

Sex sells you think? 

Wait,  Blood sells much better and for a bigger price.


Anyhow here is a little more of my Boxing Day Wind... more Hot Air and BS sent your way,



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